Interface Moveset

A single moveset data object as found on e.g. as value of an entry in 'data'. Always represents a single Pokémon.


  • Moveset


abilities: Map<string, number>

Map mapping a ability to its usage count.

checksAndCounters: Map<string, [number, number, number]>
happiness: Map<number, number>

Map mapping a happiness to its usage count.

items: Map<string, number>

Map mapping an item to its usage count.

moves: Map<string, number>

Map mapping a move to its usage count.

rawCount: number
spreads: Map<Spread, number>

Map mapping a Spread to its usage count.

teammates: Map<string, number>
usage?: number

Usage ratio (e.g. 0.0123). Not set in older data.

viabilityCeiling?: [number, number, number, number]

Not set in older data.

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